Q&A with Alan Tseng, the designer of bottle. by AirsPops
Q&A with Alan Tseng, the designer of bottle. by AirsPops
AIRSCREAM UK has been awarded the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021 for the latest e-cigarette, bottle. by AirsPops before the official launching of the product.
AIRSCREAM UK has always emphasised on the principle of Simplicity being the Key to Happiness. The bottle. by AirsPops underscores the true meaning of Back to BASIC philosophy and this could be seen in every aspect of the product.
The design concept of bottle. by AirsPops derived from a tiny bottle. What are the reasons behind the design of this e-cigarette? Let's hear from its designer, Alan Tseng.
Q1: Why a bottle shaped design was chosen and not any other concept?
A: In fact, the idea for this product was conceptualised when AIRSCREAM UK had just started, and a sample was even made. However, we were not satisfied with the prototypes, in terms of appearance or functionality, at that time.
The original intention for the product design at the beginning was having an e-cigarette that is small, powerful and easy to use. Several meetings and brainstorming sessions later, we decided to use the bottle concept to demonstrate the product’s unique appearance. We hope with its distinctive appearance, it could be recognised at a glance.
Q2: What were the challenges faced during the development of bottle. by AirsPops?
A: Everything was a challenge for me and the team, whether it is the product’s appearance and function, or ensuring cost is kept within budget.
As the product developer, I have to decide the right balance between a given budget and designing a product without compromising on craftmanship. In order to commercialise a product, you have to simplify your wide imagination and I always get entangled in this process of simplifying the complexity.
A good product design should also consider commercial perspectives, such as manufacturing costs, consumer demand, and resource utilisation. It is not a wise action if the design process results in unnecessary wastage of resources.
Q3: Please share with us on the development process of the bottle. by AirsPops.
A: The development of bottle. by AirsPops took 186 days. During this period, bottle. by AirsPops went through various of iterations, including testing on different technologies, selection of the sets of atomizers, review of the consistency of vapor volume and quality check on the atomising power, in order to ensure end-users are offered a simple, elegant and practical product.
Various powerful functions and fancy appearances were introduced in the vape market to attract consumer attention. However, consumers buy vape products for the vaping experience and this can be achieved through flavour and a device with practical design.
Q4: What kind of message(s) you want to convey through bottle. by AirsPops?
A: AIRSCREAM wants to bring to the market products that are practical, and at the same time without compromising on quality or safety. We believe that by making the product simple yet maintain smooth flavour release, it will receive wider acceptance.
As quoted by the distinguished art critic, John Ruskin, to banish imperfection is to destroy expression, to check exertion, to paralyze vitality. For bottle. by AirsPops, we used BACK to BASIC philosophy to develop the product and this could be seen in every aspect of it.
bottle. by AirsPops is not your typical pod, it stands out even from the most sophisticated decoration with unassuming minimalistic and contemporary design language.
Q5: Talk about your feelings when bottle. by AirsPops was awarded the Red Dot Award: Product Design 2021?
A: To be recognised in the Red Dot Award is an honour to every product designer. This is a highly sought-after global design award. I have materialised my dream.
This honour should not only belong to me, it belongs to the entire team of AIRSCREAM. Also, I would like to dedicate my special gratitude and thanks to our co-founders Sam Ong and Shen Yeoh, and my design director Frank Yang, for their endless supports, suggestions and ideas during the development.
I have set another goal for me to achieve. I am aiming to clinch the Red Dot Award: Best of the Best!
About the Designer
Q1: As an e-cigarette product designer, talk about your enthusiasm in this area?
A: I am a person who likes to create things and appreciate creation. I hope I can create more aesthetical and practical AIRSCREAM products in the future.
Q2: What are your views on the development of the e-cigarette industry in the next 3 to 5 years?
A: I think after 3-5 years, the e-cigarettes products would be more user-friendly, with a more affordable price, and more in-depth researches will be conducted to prove the advantages of e-cigarettes. I also foresee more environmentally friendly products in the near future.