How Stick Type Mods Have Changed the Industry
How Stick Type Mods Have Changed the Industry
In Part 2 in the Evolution of E-Cigarettes, we move away from box type mods to the more familiar stick type ones that have now become ubiquitous to vaping culture.
Stick type mods have created a renaissance for e-cigarettes to find mass-market appeal as opposed to the niche market of box type mods. Keep reading to find out more about stick type mods and why they’re important in the evolution of e-cigarettes.
How Stick Mods Got Their Start
Stick mods were first introduced and popularized by JUUL in the mid-2010s. They quickly found a large market due to their convenience and pocketable size, and millions of people began turning to them. For the first time, many smokers felt that they had a solution to cutting back smoking or quitting altogether. Stick mods are still some of the most popular devices in the market today.
Why Stick Mods Are Appealing
The portable design and easily swappable and replaceable pods make stick type mods much more appealing to smokers than earlier versions of e-cigarettes. You can opt for the immediate convenience of pre-filled pods or save money by getting your favourite flavours in a large capacity bottle to use with refillable cartridges.
Today, you can find an incredible variety of stick type vape devices to suit your needs. In many cases, you don’t need the bulkiness of a box mod to get the features you’re looking for. Sleek and portable stick mods are better now than ever before, and they’re much more affordable than high-end box mods.
The vaping experience on stick type mods is more comparable to cigarettes than higher powered mods. The advent of nicotine salt-based e-liquids offer smokers a viable and healthier alternative to curb their nicotine cravings while providing an equivalent kick that box type mods are unable to match.
Newer stick type mods, like the AirsPops Pro, have also bridged the gap between box and stick mods by offering a more powerful and replaceable coils in a self-contained tank with USB-C charging, automated draw sensor and large capacity battery. The AirsPops Pro is simple and convenient to use while offering a heathier alternative for smokers and surprising large mod users with its unexpectedly rich and velvety flavour.
A Few Disadvantages of Stick Mods
Despite their many advantages and much simpler operation, stick type mods still aren’t completely maintenance free. Even with regular care, issues such as condensation, leakage, and coils wearing or burning out (and impacting taste) remain common complaints that are unlikely to be completely resolved anytime soon. Though stick mods can typically get a full charge in under an hour, you’d still need to build a routine around keeping it charged, which can be an extra hassle for people on the go.
Nevertheless, if you use a higher-quality stick device and maintain it properly, it’ll last you for years and save you more compared to long-term usage of disposables. Compared to high-powered box mods, stick mods are also typically less flavourful, though advances in coil technology had lowered this gap somewhat with more premium devices like the AirsPops Pro offering a lower resistance coil, and some even offering adjustable airflow.
Why Stick Mods Are Here to Stay
While they have their pros and cons, stick type mods are a significant step forward in helping smokers to quit and a major milestone in the evolution of e-cigarettes. Despite the current rising popularity of disposables, there will likely always be a place for stick mods thanks to its unique features and longer-term cost savings. Where the general design and usage of box mods have stabilised over the years, we can expect to see even more innovation for stick mods in the near future!
Stick type mods are sometimes viewed as a compromise to the stronger flavours of a box mod. The AirsPops Pro aims to redefine the perception of stick mods by delivering a much richer flavour experience to surpass all expectations, earning it rave reviews across the globe.